its all about the composition

Reframe the story

One of my absolute favourite things in my work as an artist, is combining individual images that complement each other and as a result create an interesting dynamic, contrast, tension, release - a story within a story.
I see it as a form of visual poetry, in which a certain degree of ambiguity leaves room for your own interpretation to fantasise about the connection between the individual images.

I crafted this Print Collection in a way to create visual stories
that will serve you as a daily reminder of inspiration at your home.

Whether it’s a combination of two or three fine art prints in black and white photographs, playing around with same coloured hues, or a particular sequence that makes your heart go boom. Emerge into the vastness of pairing inspirations and feel the difference.

Soft strength

The most talented architects of the sea are the coral reefs of our world. Soft and hard corals. Resilience and fragility in one. They act as barriers for storms.

Trust, empathy, resilience and connection are born out of vulnerability. Vulnerability is only possible when we lean into courage instead of bravery.

The word courage comes from the French word coeur, which means “heart”. Courage as Maya Angelou said is the most important of all virtues. It is what you find when becoming your own muse, embodying a strong backbone and a soft heart.

one and the same

Science believes that the sun is older than our planet – yet the water is older than the sun.

Fossil records indicate that the nautilus has not evolved much during the last 500 million years. Neither has the shark. Earliest fossil evidence for sharks or their ancestors are dating up to 450 million years ago.

The water in your body is just visiting. It was a thunderstorm a while ago and it will return to the ocean soon enough.

An infinite spiral of life

The dynamic of the black and white compositions ripple from one into the other.

Same same
but different

I simply love how the same photograph in a different context creates a whole different mood and feeling. Wouldn’t you agree that ‘Flower’ next to ‘Amor’ suddenly represents the feminine energy of opening up, while he remains stoic, steady and sure – representing the masculine?

However, when placing the same photograph ‘Flower’ next to ‘On Hold’ it tells a different story to me. While ‘On Hold’ represents belonging, the other, saudade (Portuguese word for longing for someone or something you cannot name), the same attribute spill over ‘Flower’ too. It becomes a place and abstract portal as both photographs share their negative space.


Dancing Mobulas


I simply love how two interact with each other - be it two odd fellas, two of the same species, two opposites, two similarities, two lovers, two souls – two.

These stunning abstract black and white portraits of couples Friends, Dancing Mobulas and Duet feels especially powerful when showcased next to each other, as a three pieces series.
